March 21, 2004
Awright - I know it's called Sunny Leith but ...

Or is this the alchemy of a talented photographer? Surely this
is a German port or perhaps some-
-where in Holland? Was this photo
really taken a stone's throw away
from the Trade Winds? Did the
photographer book into the Angel
Hotel to take respite from the
balmy Leith evening & partake in
a libation of his choice - 'pint
of Tartan Special please'.
Ah yes, you can't beat a few pint's of Bangladesh. Then maybe some of the local cuisine -
the Henderson Street chippie would be a good bet or, if he had company, a sit-in supper at Elio's in
Duke Street. Thus refreshed he could make his way back to The Angel - and so to sleep; with
the bed jammed up against the door lest some of the more colourful locals relieve him of his
belongings. If our intrepid photographer has any trouble sleeping, he could doze off by counting
the blood stains on the wall.
All this for a tenner! and they say it's all changed for the better...