March 23, 2004
The moves, The attitude, The animal sexuality ... he just had to be a Jock !!

Scottish. The colour lithograph was produced by
Mr R.R. McIan for his publication The Clans of The
Scottish Highlands published in the mid 19th
Century. It features the Drummond Tartan.Mr
Drummond must have cut about the highlands
with much elan - a balladeer no doubt.
But did he have the raw sexuality that young
Mr Presley displayed in the 1950's? Who
knows? - but the fact that he's got nae
knickers on helps his case a wee bit - Lets see
that on the Ed Sullivan show!
Ah mean - think about it. Dripping with animal
grace & talent in his 20's, only to become a fat
opinionated B***ard in middle age, addicted
tae anything he can fit in his gub - sounds like
half the 1978 Scottish fitba team!
It's in the genes...
What'dye mean 'it looks like Simon LeBon?'