March 27, 2004

Thoughts on love, death & the equity in your Dad's Hoose!

I was walking down to the shops earlier tonight, just around sunset (beautiful!)
when I passed an old man standing in his driveway. He must have been around
80-ish. He was dressed in what must have been his 'smart clothes' - bought
around 1975 I would have thought with the loud checked jacket & flared beige
trousers - and he was standing looking very awkward, not doing anything in
particular, just standing. Waiting. He looked very much like Groucho marx - sans
moustache & with thick black framed 'Michael Caine' glasses. The driveway
belonged to a plush 'Art Deco' house, a beautiful place that had obviously been
his family home for years.

The next minute a car pulls up - a middle aged couple - and backs into the
driveway. The man driving & his female passenger look bored stiff, do not
acknowledge the old man as he climbs into the back seat of the car, and
drive off without exchanging any greetings - no conversation of any kind.

I'm guessing the driver or passenger was his son/daughter & I don't think I
have seen such a loveless interaction between parent/siblings. It's one thing
not to get on with your parents, many people don't - I've been there myself.
But this wasn't like that at all. This was a grey moment - it was as if the 3
people in the car were not family but commuters on a London tube. Anger is
an emotion, Hate is an emotion - to show you are annoyed about something
is to show emotion -there was NO emotion in this scenario. It's the same sort
of greyness you see in loveless marriages; couples who eat in restaurants
and look oblivious to the others existence; people who have worked in the same job
for years & have hated it since they started. Etc, Etc.

I'm guessing everyone involved will be a bit more animated when it comes to
divvy-ing up the old mans estate - the house alone must be worth 600k +.
I hope he's a dog/cat lover!! (or any charity of his choice...)

Now I hear you ask:
'how did he get all of that in the minute or so it took him to walk past the scene?'
The answers simple my friend ... I'M A NOSEY BASTARD !!!!!!

Come on in - you'll have had your tea?

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