April 19, 2004
Back at the pictures - last orders...

I lived in the country for a year in 2002 - 300km south of Perth in a
town called Bridgetown, population 3000. The local video shop's latest
releases were circa 1997 so now I'm back in the big city (?) I catch up with
all the movies I missed on DVD. I really enjoyed this film. What a great cast.
David Hemmings looks a bit rough - remember him? - but played a good part.
Michael Caine, Tom Courtney, Helen Mirren, Bob Hoskins & Ray Winstone. Triffic.
I watched the BBC production about Henry VIII with ray Winstone but I kept
expecting him to burst out with 'Shut it you ponce or I'll cut ya' so it didn't really
work for me. Last orders was a different story, he plays the part so well. Typecast?
perhaps - but if you've got it flaunt it. Even the kids that played the younger
versions of the main characters were good. Good stuff!
A lot of it is set in a local pub so get yirself a carry oot to keep them company...