April 29, 2004
But one thing's sure. Inspector Clay is dead, murdered, and somebody's responsible...

I used to be a big Ed Wood jr fan - still am really. I love his movie's.
They're a bit like watching pantomime; disregard the sets & concentrate
on the players. Undoubtedly, his most popular movie is Plan 9 from outer space,
as well as being the most ridiculed (anyone who has seen Night of the Ghouls will find that
hard to believe.) I thought Jailbait was just as good/bad as many other B Noir movie's &
Bride of the Monster wasn't too bad - using Lugosi was a stroke of genius. I found a site
that lists the faults in Plan 9 - hilarious! Check it out at Plan 9 Bloopers. Favourite Plan 9 quote :
Jeff Trent - 'Modern women. They've been like that all down through the ages.'