April 06, 2004

Fir Christ's sake - somebody take the laddie's camera oaf um...

Moonlight becomes you, it goes with your hair
You certainly know the right thing to wear
Moonlight becomes you, I'm thrilled at the sight
And I could get so romantic tonight

You're all dressed up to go dreaming
Now don't tell me I'm wrong
And what a night to go dreaming
Mind if I tag along

If I say I love you
I want you to know
It's not just because there's moonlight
Although, moonlight becomes you so

I think this was originally sung by Bing Crosby & is from one
of the 'On the Road' movies. I remember it from being used in
an ad when I was growing up; It is sung in the background as
Josephine makes her way to Napoleon's tent. By the time she
reaches him her hair is like a dogs dinner having been caught
on branches & twigs on her journey. As she arrives in the tent
door the song is at the 'goes with her hair' stage only to stop
short at 'Ha...' - Napoleon looks up and says 'Not tonight Josephine'.
They don't make them like they used to... oh! btw it was an ad
for Hairspray.

Illustrated & informative - this will probably be used in schools...

Come on in - you'll have had your tea?

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