April 09, 2004
It's hard to believe this is based on a true story

I watched this on dvd & I was sure it had said in the opening credits
based on a true story. Further inspection of the cover
confirmed this. If you haven't seen this - give it a try - I quite liked
it but found myself doubting the validity of the 'true story' claim. after
partaking in a bit of detective work avec le internet - don't you just
love google? - I discovered that there is a town called Point Pleasant
where in the late 60's there were sightings of what was described
as the Mothman coupled with strange goings on & culminating in
the accident with the bridge. They didn't necessarily happen in the
condensed time frame portrayed in the film but DID happen. A few
facts tapestried into an edgy suspense filled story.
The mothman cometh
The following two paragraphs are taken directly from the back cover
of John A. Keel's book "The Mothman Prophecies".
For thirteen month the entire town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia
was gripped by a dark terror that culminated in a tragedy that made
headlines all over the world. This is a story that contains all the elements
of a modern science fiction movie but every single word is true and fully
documented by famed journalist John A. Keel.
Homes throughout the little towns were plagued with unearthly noises
and ghostly manifestations while mysterious aerial lights traveled silently
overhead seemingly on a regular schedule. Winged monsters and frightening
apparitions terrified the population as automobiles stalled and telephones
and TV sets ran amok. A Red Cross Bloodmobile filled with fresh blood was
pursued along a darkened highway by a weird flying machine. Domestic
animals were found slaughtered and mutilated in pastoral farm fields.
Innocent people lived in surrealistic horror, haunted by the fearsome demonic
"Bird" and besieged by legions of strange beings
(some of which arrived in ordinary-looking automobiles).
Look out Barry Norman, I'm after your job...
(someone better explain to the under 40's who Barry Norman is)