June 08, 2004
Viddied a horrorshow Film last night my droogies...

A Clockwork Orange was on TV a few days ago, so I taped it & watched it
last night. Still very enjoyable, I was too young to see it when it was released
but caught it at an arthouse cinema in the 80's, the sets are tres hip -
Actually they remind me of the old Bratisanni's chip shop interior that
used to be in South Clerk Street in the 70's. I read the book about 10 times
when I was at school. It ws a good read but a pain in the arse having to
constantly turn to the back & refer to the NADSAT glossary.
It's funny though when you think this movie was banned in the UK for years & now
there are more subversive commercials on the TV. I also remember the gangs from
Leith that used to dress up with the bowler hats & the eyelash & all. Bright Orange
one was called & another was Clockwork Leith, prowling the night looking for a bit
of ultraviolence & maybe a bit of in-out, in-out - ready to crast a bit of cutter
from some unsuspecting malchick or devotchka. It's all coming back to me.
Watch out for the millicents...