August 27, 2004
GROUP F - The Group of Death...

After studying the teams drawn in the 8 groups of The Champions League,
I have to agree with Martin O'Neill - I would have preferred any group
other than the one Celtic ended up in. Nevermind. After the last couple
of sojourns in TCL when Celtic were very unlucky not to have advanced
to the last 16, maybe their luck will change - as this time all but the
faithful will certainly write off their chances of progression.
The upside being the return of Henrik Larsson & a chance for the Celtic
support to take a reality check & move on. Time to let go & establish the
fact that CELTIC are a team, not one player - yes, EVEN Juninho!
Let's give Camara the chance he has dreamed of & see if he can prove himself
in The Champions League. I'm sure Juninho will relish the chance to shine in
Europe. Look & the squad and the stats for Celtic & there will be no team in
Group F that will be particularly happy in having to face The Hoops.
Underdogs in Europe? What's New? - Bring it on...