September 09, 2004
AMELIE was on the TV the other night...

Le Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain
I must have missed this over the last couple of years - I go to the
cinema less & less as I get older - but what a wonderful film. You've
got to hand it to the French when it comes to beautiful, uplifting films.
Great story & well acted by all involved - Audrey Tautou is adorable.
The photo booth connection reminded me that when I was in my teens, the
done thing to do with your photo booth photo's was to try and slide them
behind the glass of the bus time table at the bus stop. There was a gallery
of various youths making faces & giving the vickys to the bus queue. It was
advisable to do it as far away from your home as possible, cause if yer ma
seen you behind the glass... say no more.
just brilliant...