September 14, 2004
As camp as a row of tents...

My Old Man - god rest him - was forever taking the pish out of my
musical tastes & constantly rubbished all the punk bands I liked &
'That Poof' David Bowie. His idea of 'Good modern music' was Queen.
Not exactly a favourite of mine, but everybody kind of likes queen -
yeah? My father used to watch them & bandied about phrases like 'now
that's playing the fuckin guitar' & 'the boy can sing', etc. All this
however came to an abrupt end after watching the 'I want to break free'
video on top of the pops. Absolutely disgusted, he never mentioned Queen
again - his only comment being 'that's what happens when they get famous,
the drugs get a hold of them' Poor old Freddie.
How come it's funny when Les Dawson used to drag up?...