September 30, 2004
A bit of humour to ease the pain...

Taken from the Glasgow herald 30/09/04
Picture, if you will, this fantastic scene in Milan the other night.
The Celtic fans, having much taken to the great gothic pile of a
cathedral known as Il Duomo, are gathered beneath the
transepts and figurines of the vast 12th century homage to Christ.
The troops are playing football, bevvying themselves up, and leering
longingly at Milanese women who walk past, many of them upon
legs like stilts. By the side of Il Duomo one of those Euro-trash pop
acts is happily belting out hit after hit. Why, this is all marvellous, the
Celtic troops are saying, playing football at the cathedral doors,
guzzling jars of beer and, to the band's utter amazement, warmly
applauding each song.
Alas, this unique celebration of Christianity, football and lager is
suddenly brought to a shuddering halt. The band duly break into
Tina Turner's Simply The Best and are stunned to find their erstwhile
appreciative audience suddenly showering them with abuse.
"Get tae f***!" shouts one Celtic supporter, not quite in the idiom of
St Augustine, who once walked this piazza. Simply The Best, of course,
has been commandeered by Rangers as their unofficial anthem at Ibrox.
The poor popsters were maybe 15 seconds into their rendition before
realising that, for whatever unfathomable reason, it was a song which
wasn't going down well.
You just can't get the researchers for street-acts these days...