September 01, 2004
I found a couple of articles about Henri Camara...

They were on Senagalese websites & using Google's language tools I
translated the articles. If you have ever used an online translator
you will know how hard it is to make sense of the English translation
as it is all back to front - in English but still structured as French
would be. Anyway, the first one reports that Camara has been sent back
to Wolves because Celtic are so disappointed with his performance so far.
The other is a bit kinder but still focuses on Camara's shortcomings.
So Senegal has the eqivilent of TDR - and the journalists have the same
attitude towards the truth; don't let it get in the way of a crowd pleaser.
This just in: In a pole conducted by the IC Newcastle website to choose Bobby
Robson's replacement, Martin O'Neill was the preferred choice of 56.56% of
the voters. Steve Bruce & Gordon Strachan were joint second at 7.93%!!
Dream on Bonny Lads...