November 03, 2004
Can't believe Bush won the US election...

I was listening to a British journalist, a foreign correspondent, being interviewed about the Bush victory on TV & he summed up how stupid Bush is by saying 'He (Bush) is only on nodding terms with the english language' - sad but true.
The 'anti Terrorist' stance that has kept the worlds most mediochre
politicians in power is the oldest ploy in existence - keep everybody shit scared & promise to protect them from the bogey men. Through the ages 'Bogey men' have been Fascists, Communists, foreigners, Muslims, pacifists, foreigners, dictators, Royalty, foreigners - get the drift? Time for the proles to pull out their long forgotten copies of 1984 and start reading. Pay particular attention to the 'wars' between Eastasia, Eurasia & Oceania.
Sound familiar? Hey - wait a minute...