December 10, 2004
And everyone thinks the Tims are paranoid...

Awright - now how dae ye say 'up to yer knee's in fenian blood?'
Rangers RST hire a lip reader
The Huns got a lip reader to work out what Neil Lennon said to the animals who were baiting him for 90 minutes as he left the pitch after the League game at Ibrox. Of the 3 words spoken by Lennon, the lip reader has said that two of the words were Orange bastards. This, of course, has offended the said Hun supporters & they are shocked & stunned at such an inference.
I guess they needed a lip reader as they couldn't hear what he said over the torrents of sectarian abuse that was directed at Lennon. In fact, after viewing a tape of the game, the lip reader's exact words were "The wee Fenian bollox jist said 'Orange bastards'"
Celtic have tried the same with Alex Rae but the lip reader couldn't see past the Buckfast bottle...